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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Nintendo Switch vs Wii U: Zelda BOTW the last breath of the Wii U

March 08, 2017 Posted by hamza , 1 comment

With Zelda in both consoles, is it worth to buy the Switch now? 
After 2 year of waiting, the Nintendo Switch (previously called NX) was released last Friday.
In some ways this console is trying to rectify the mistakes made by the Wii U.

Like the Wii U and its Gamepad, the Switch has its own screen. The difference is that the Switch is bigger and brighter, without mentioning its portability. The hardware used has very little to do with the plastic who made the Gamepad look like a toy.

On the other hand, the Switch may let some Wii U mistakes happen again. For example, at the moment, nothing looks complete and broaden, and in some way we are right asking if there is any improvement beside the Wii U.
If you are obsessive about Nintendo, it's time to move to the Switch ... Or perhaps you should wait a little bit?

Yes! It's 100% Portable

Have you ever used the Gamepad on the Wii U independently, away from TV? You made some step and all seems going very well, but once you get 1 or 2 rooms away, or behind some walls or a piece of furniture, you start disconnecting. The Wii U has never been a good portability experience.

Luckily, it’s not the case for the Switch. The new Nintendo console is a hybrid one which give you the ability to play in a movable way, thanks to its integral battery and its powerful processor. You can also remove the Joy-Cons in order to use play multiplayer games wherever you are. But it's a home console too: put the tablet in deck mode, take the controller, and you will have a traditional console. It’s the perfect mixing.

The graphic design is better:

Thanks to the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in both Wii U and Switch, we were able to see the difference between the 2 consoles. Well, not that much, actually.

Honestly, the game is 90% the same in both systems: it's large, colorful, in an anime style, and beautiful. But the Wii U version limit the vision of the world, whereas the Switch version is more beautiful and we can admire the large world, which is good for the gaming experience to be fluent.

On the other hand, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon2 are disastrous for the Wii U processor. But the good news, is that the Switch, from the release, going to surpass the Wii U, plus Nintendo and other studios haven’t to be able to improve even more their graphic performances in the future. But the Switch is still running behind the PS4 or the Xbox One in terms of high quality visuals.

Yes! it's a high quality console

After getting the Wii U Gamepad, I cannot stop myself from saying it's a kid console: the glossy plastic, the rough design. It was clear that it was a false step, especially comparing to the refined consoles of Sony and Microsoft released in the same period.

Fortunately, Nintendo has learned from its mistakes and moved far away from the Wii U developing the Switch. The tablet has a stylish design whereas the Joy Cons, they are elegant and sophisticated. All the hardware of the switch seems 100 time better than the Wii U's hardware, which means that you won't shameful to move around with.

Zelda is also on Wii U!

Just to clarify one thing: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is released on the Wii U too, and apart of the small aspects of the presentation, the experience is nearly the same in both consoles. It's the same big adventure, no matter which screen or gamepad you're using.

Plus, remaining games stay limited: 1-2 Switch is interesting, the racing game Far RMX all right, the puzzle Snipperclips is intelligent, but besides Zelda, the first releases aren't big titles that separates from the crowd.

Also, the Switch don't have a vintage game.
Seriously?  After all these years, Nintendo is continues to make wrong choices.

Progressively, more games will release, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in particular the next month, ARMS, Splatoon2 earlier this summer, Super Mario Odyssey later this year, but it could be a little bit calm this year for Switch holders, like the 2 years of the switch.

No! the switch doesn't support streaming

Netflix? OCS? NO, NO, NOO... Nintendo confirmed that these services which we use frequently won't be available for the Switch.

So what? Well, happily most people have another device to use these services. Sooner or later, these video services will be available, but won't be in the eShop right away.

 YES! The Wii U is dead!

However, the Wii U seems almost dead for a moment, but the pledge of Zelda breath of the wild has succeeded to keep the fans. And now after the Zelda is released, there is nothing left. Nintendo won't release more games for this console, and some developers have given up.

We can see appearing some games in the eShop here and there, and potentially some new classic games in the virtual console, but besides these it's done for the Wii U. It's the Nintendo's home console the least sold in the history, and Nintendo is ready to give up the past and moving forward.

 We change? Probably!

Let's be honest: if you are pure and solid fan of Nintendo, then we know appropriately that we cannot live without the being partner with big games. The Wii U will allow to test the BOTW in all its glory, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2 are just some update of existing games.

But once games like Arms or Super Mario Odyssey are released, with all that Nintendo prepares for you, will you be able to resist? It's only a question of << when >>? But it's an option to take into consideration besides Zelda, there isn't anything special about the Switch at the moment.

So if you are uncertain about the Switch and you have the Wii U, you probably should wait a bit before you obtain the latest version of the console. Furthermore, if you can't resist to play Zelda in your bed, or in the bus or at work, so, why are you waiting? The Switch is a big update beside the Wii U for a lot of reasons, and the future seems rising.     

1 comment:

  1. they forgot to mention that wii u can play 4 players via wii mote compatible from old console wii (family bonding). Switch supports 2 only ...
