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Saturday, April 29, 2017

The reasons why Nintendo made the 2DS XL

April 29, 2017 Posted by hamza No comments

Nintendo won't give up on its DS family and decided to give birth to the new 2DS XL. This new console is going to release next July.

As an extra proof. The success that the Switch has shown as a handheld console made us think that Nintendo could probably give up on its 3DS/2DS series. But Big N has now come up with an irrefutable proof that it won't abandon its classic consoles. It was just announced that another member will join the 3DS family: the New Nintendo 2DS XL. It was on a presentation that the CEO Nintendo revealed this console that no one has expected.

This new console shows our engagement towards the market of portable consoles said the CEO of Nintendo America. It has a beautiful conception and offers an excellent balance between price and performances.

 Nintendo fix its errors:

Surprisingly announced and obviously unexpected.
The new 2DS XL looks more like the 3DS XL than the 2DS, even if it’s free of 3D technology, which is by the way not a fault, if not a benefit.

Furthermore, this new design is a good news, because the locking system using flap will protect the screen during the transport phases.

Then, its screen is foldable, very large, and also bigger than the 3DS (4.88 inch). To mention, the first 2DS, offered only 3.52 inch for its screen.

Finally, the last point, it has got the stick C from the 3DS, which is very useful in some types of games.

The new Nintendo DS will also be lighter than the 3DS XL since it was announced at 260 gram versus 329 gram, but it must be very powerful.

To Sum up, no useless 3D, a lightened design and a 2nd stick, this new 2DS XL has a lot to seduce for. It also includes the 3DS amiibo reader.

The 2DS XL will be available in black and light blue or white with a stylus, with a memory card microSDHC 4 GB and 6 AR cards and a power supply the next 28 July in USA and Europe for 149.99 dollars (123euro)

During this presentation Nintendo has mentioned that 7 million of the 3ds were sold last year and hope to sell 6 million this year. Big N is also looking to sell more than 10 million Switch this year.


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